On the Application Server

On the Application Server

To add a new device to the system, database access is required. Using Sql Server Management Studio, access the database for the particular environment (test/production) of Remote Sampler for which the new device is to be added.

Once you have connected to the database, open the LcPdas table.


To change any of the configuration for a given device, simply edit the field on the corresponding row. To add a new device, copy a row and past it onto the row with an asterisk. You will need to change the following fields:

  • PdaName – enter the correct name for the device
  • Workgroup – If the device is to be used for clean or waste water, enter Clean or Waste accordingly
  • FTP Password and FTP Username – Enter the correct accounts for the new device
  • HubName – Enter the correct name for the hub with which the device will be used.

Following any changes to the database like adding new devices or editing existing devices, all application server services should be restarted (as explained earlier in this document) along with any desktop hub clients.

Note that the database should always be backed up before any changes are made to the production system.

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