User Support Portal

User Support Portal

It is possible to create and manage Remote Sampler support issues directly using our online user support portal.

To access the support portal, the Remote Sampler support team will provide a URL link for your specific instance. Clicking on the link will open up a login screen as shown below:

The Login Screen

The Remote Sampler support team will create login credentials for customer users who have been designated as the support contacts for the Remote Sampler system.

When the portal opens, a dashboard view will be shown.

The Dashboard View

Users can create new support cases by clicking on the New Case Intake Form button shown on the left hand side of the screen. Users will then be able to enter all the relevant details for their current issue on the screen as shown below. It is also possible to upload files so that screenshots or other supporting data can be included. We recommend supplying screenshots wherever possible as this helps the support team to diagnose the root cause of application issues faster.

Click Submit to create a new support case.

On the main dashboard view again, clicking on the CSOLS Hypercare Support button allows a user to drill down onto a spreadsheet view of the information for all tickets currently on the system.

On the spreadsheet view, users may edit the details of the tickets that have been created e.g. to add more information about a specific issue or to change an issue’s priority.


Availability of the support portal is determined on a customer-by-customer basis as agreed in the Service Level Agreement (SLA) contract. If you do not have access to the support portal but would like to use it, please contact Remote Sampler support via email for more details.