Updating Remote Sampler

Updating Remote Sampler

CSols provide updates to the Remote Sampler system in the form of zip files that are transferred directly to the /Updates folder of the FTP server in the DMZ. The updates provided are outlined in the table below.

File Name


Driver LUI x.x.x.x.zip

Binary files for the LUI component on the application server

Driver Mediator x.x.x.x.zip

Binary files for the Mediator service

Latest Templates x.x.x.x.zip

A collection of the latest method template files

MultiService Installer x.x.x.x.zip

An installer for all application server services

Remote Sampler Device x.x.x.x.zip

Binaries for the device client

Remote Sampler Hub x.x.x.x.zip

Binaries for the hub desktop client

Remote Sampler Hub Installer x.x.x.x.zip

An installer for the hub desktop client

RSComms Service x.x.x.x.zip

Binaries for the RsComms service

SampleManager Adaptor x.x.x.x.zip

Binaries for the adaptor service

SampleManager Sync Service x.x.x.x.zip

Binaries for the SampleManager Sync service

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