The Database

The Database

Remote Sampler uses another CSols product called Labcache to store all application data, static data and configuration data. Labcache is a SQL Server database and is accessed by all CSols services and the Remote Sampler Hub application.

For the most part, the tables in the database will be of little interest to you as a support user but there are some exceptions that are described in the table below.

Table Name



Holds entries that define which application server is currently live. Changes will need to be made to this table whenever the Remote Sampler system is failed over from one application server to another.


Holds configuration information for each of the mediator services that are installed across all application servers.


Holds configuration information for each of the handheld devices that are connected to the system.


Contains configuration information for each of the Adaptor services that are installed across all application servers.


Contains configuration information for each of the RsComms service instances that are installed across all application servers.


Contains a list of all the collection runs that have been successfully extracted from LIMS.



Please make a backup of the database before performing any manual modifications to the Live LabCache database.

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