The Communications Service (RsComms)

The Communications Service (RsComms)


There is a single instance of the RsComms service running on the application server. The comm service is the centralised focus of the Remote Sampler system and is responsible for performing the bulk of all processing tasks carried out by system including:

-       Manages file-based to and from the devices via the FTP server

-       Executes any activities being performed by users on the desktop hub client. This may be things like generating reports from existing data or assigning work to handheld device users

-       Managing all data that is stored and read from the LabCache database

-       Sends information to/extracts information from LIMS via the mediator

Unlike some of the other services on the application server, there is only a single comms service regardless of the number of different physical sites.

The comms service sits in the RsComms subdirectory of the initial install folder.


There are two subfolders in the RsComms directory that contain log files. The ApplicationLogs folder contains text log files that are generated daily for the system. These log files contain application information such as any exception information that may be generated during operation. The CommsLog folder contains a set of XML log messages, each of which encapsulates information about a single message sent or received by the comms service as it communicates with the other services on the application server.

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