Auto-filling Passwords on Android

Auto-filling Passwords on Android

Remote Sampler requires that users enter a user name and password to connect. It is possible to streamline this process to prevent the need for repeated password entry by using a third-party password management solution. Google has a password manager built into Android.

To enable password auto-filling behaviour on Android, open the Settings app and navigate to:

General Management > Autofill Service

Select the desired third-party solution to use for password management and confirm that permission is granted for it to control this behaviour. In the image below, the device has been set to use Google’s built in password manager but many other free or paid third-party solutions are available from the Play Store.

Once the password autofill behaviour has been configured, the device keyboard will provide the option of using a preset password to log into the Remote Sampler app once the user has logged in for the first time and saved the current password.

Whilst login using biometric data (fingerprint or facial recognition) is not directly supported by Remote Sampler, many password managers can be accessed using these methods.