Ending the Day
Some varieties of the daily and weekly checks that are set up within Remote Sampler require input at the end of the day once sampling activities are completed.
Tap Yes to signal to Remote Sampler that it is now the correct time to complete the remaining end of day activities. The message below will show if any actions are necessary.
Tap OK to open the daily and weekly checks screen.
Tap on any of the checks that are marked with a red cross and complete all the required fields.
Open the existing check by selecting it and then tapping Next.
Enter values for the remaining mandatory fields. Remote Sampler may ask for one or more temperature readings depending on the length of time taken to complete the training exercises. When complete, tap Next and send the worksheet to the hub.
Complete any other remaining checks. In the case above, the Colorimeter Check is still outstanding.
Completing all the remaining checks will tick them off on the list as shown below.
When all the checks are completed, tap Next to complete your sampling day.