Navigating the Hub Software
The Hub software is relatively easy to operate as most of its functions operate automatically in the background.
The User interface comprises a main Hub Window that always displays the same components:
The Main Menu – situated at the top of the Window is used for mainly non routine activities such as changing the configuration
Status Bar – situated at the bottom of the Window, displays the name of the Hub and various general status properties
Activity Bar – an Explorer like bar situated on the left hand side of the screen that allows the user to call up most routine activities. If you click on a particular main Bar (PDAs, Template, Audit etc) you will be presented with further list of specific sub activities. In Figure 3 you will see that PDAs has been clicked and the sub activities shown in this case are in fact the actual Pdas that have been connected to the Hub. Clicking on one of these provides access to the Activities in this area. In this example it allows you to view status and change various configuration properties of that Pda
Work Area – occupies most of the right hand side of the screen. This Window varies considerably as the user performs different activities as selected in the Activity Bar. This is the large blank, white square area in Figure 3
Activity Based Menu – appears differently (contents differ and sometimes may not be present) depending on context. If present it is situated directly below the Main Menu