The Hub's Mobile Devices
Your Hub should have one or more mobile devices associated with it. It is important to understand that each device works with a particular Hub unless the configuration is changed.
Click on the PDAs Activity Bar and you will see the current list of mobile devices.
Connecting a Pda to the Hub
There are two ways of connecting a mobile device to the Hub:
Docking – this normally requires a USB connection between Device and PC and uses Microsoft’s ActiveSync to make the link. Only one Pda can be connected at a time this way.
Network – usually via Wifi or some other physical connectionless mechanism such as the mobile broadband. Any number of Pdas can be attached simultaneously by this mechanism.
Of course, there are many activities that can only be performed when a particular Pda is connected to the Hub. However, where possible, the Hub will take your instructions as far as it can while unattached and complete the actions whenever the Devices become attached.
An example of this is when sending a Worksheet to a Device. After you have issued the instruction to send the Worksheet, the Hub will always act as if it has sent it, but will store the Worksheet if the Device is not attached and automatically transfer it as soon as it is attached.
You can see if a Device is attached because it will have one or two asterisks against its name depending on whether it is connected via the Network or ActiveSync.
You can get more details by double clicking on a Pda. If you believe that a Pda should be connected and is not, then maybe check that it is not Suspended on this screen.