A full explanation of each of the available fields is given below.
Parent | Field Name | Description | Data Type | Example | Required |
JobGroupInput | JobGroupName | This name describes a collection of Jobs. This might describe a collection of related jobs for a single user for example. | Any text | ROUND1 01-JAN-2017 | Yes |
JobInput | JobName | A textual description of a job. | Any text | Warehouse sample 1 | Yes |
JobId | A unique identifier for the job. | Any text | 123456 | Yes | |
JobPartInput | JobPartName | A textual description of the job part. | Any text | Warehouse sample 1 first day | Yes |
JobPartId | A unique identifier for the job part. | Any text | 987654 | Yes | |
ScheduledDate | The date that the job part has been scheduled for completion, | DateTime | 01-Jan-2017 00:00:00 Any standard datetime format is acceptable. | Yes | |
MethodToUse | This field can be used to specify which Remote Sampler device method should be used for this particular job part. | Text. Must match an existing method name in the system. | Warehouse Method 1 | No | |
ScheduledLocation | DisplayText | The text that the device user will see for the target location | Any text | 12, Main Street, A City, AB1 2CD | Yes |
LocationType | The type of sample collection location. | Any text | Possible examples:
| Yes | |
Latitude | The latitude of the target location. (Lat/lon or grid coordinates are required if navigation is to be used) | Number | 52.1234 | Yes if navigation required | |
Longitude | The longitude of the target location. (Lat/lon or grid coordinates are required if navigation is to be used) | Number | -1.765 | Yes if navigation required | |
GridEast | The grideast value if the location has grid-based co-ordinates. (Lat/lon or grid coordinates are required if navigation is to be used) | Number | 123456 | Yes if navigation required | |
GridNorth | The gridnorth value if the location has grid-based co-ordinates. (Lat/lon or grid coordinates are required if navigation is to be used) | Number | 654321 | Yes if navigation required | |
BuildingName | The building name for the target location. | Text | Warehouse 12 | No | |
BuildingNumber | The building number for the target location. | Number | 67 | Yes if navigation required | |
Street | The street for the target location. | Text | Main Street | No | |
City | The city of the target location. | Text | London | No | |
Zip | The zip code or postal code of the target location. A house number and zip code can be used for navigation in place of co-ordinates for navigation if required. | Text | AB1 2CD | Yes if navigation required | |
Zone | A zone code for the target location if the location has one. | Text | Zone 123 | No | |
ReferenceNumber | A unique reference number for this location if it has one. | Text | 123456 | No | |
DataFieldInput | DisplayText | The display name of the data field that will show to the device user. | Text | Sample temperature (deg C) | Yes |
FieldName | The name of the field in the customer datasystem if this datafield is to be exported on completion. | Text | SampTemp | Only if data is to be returned to external datasystem | |
DataType | The type of data this field will contain. This field can be left blank and configured within Remote Sampler. | From list | Use a value from the list below:
| No | |
Readonly | Whether this field can be changed by the device user at runtime. | Boolean | True False | No | |
Optional | Whether this data field is required from the user at runtime. | Boolean | True False | No | |
DefaultValue | A default value to present at runtime. | Text | 12.3 | No | |
ItemForCollectionInput | ItemId | A unique ID for the item to be collected. | Text | A12345 | Yes |
DisplayText | A textual description of the item to show the device user at runtime. | Text | 2kg Bulk Sample | Yes | |
ItemType | The type of item to collect | Text | Bottle | Yes | |
Optional | Whether this item is required for collection at runtime. | Boolean | True False | Yes | |
AttributeInput | AttributeName | The name of the attribute. | Text | SAMPLE_POINT_CODE | Yes |
AttributeValue | The value of the attribute. | Text | Z1234 | Yes |